This is the intro of the DEMO. It features only 2 characters. In the final version, all of the characters will be introduced. The characters are indicated with their role in "[]" brackets. It has to be read as their real names. The script is a work in progress, will be updated overtime.

# PART 1

# Time and Location

  • 🕐 About 8am
  • 🗺️ School Corridor

# Characters on screen

  • [NERD]

# Synopsis

[NERD] starts his day at school and meet up with [F. GIRL]. They chitchat about what they are gonna do the same night, with some innuendos. They separate at the ring of the bell.

# Storyboard



# Script

Opening Sequence

Fade from black to a plain and uninspired average school corridor. Lockers cover the walls, making the place feel more crowded than it's necessary. The stench of puberty fills the air, suffocating the few oxygen molecules that barely make through the gaps left by the semi-opened windows, which overwatch the students from above the lockers. The pale light of the flickering fluorescent tubes gives everything a yellowish tone of unhealthiness. If all of this wasn't enough, the consistent chatter leaves no room to breathe. It's no surpirse many call this place a prison

Among this amalgamation of people, a freckled tuft of red hair tries to make room for itself, not-so-ready to start this new day. After a bit of struggling, he finally reaches his locker. Someone was so kind to mark it down for him, with a big red "LOSER" writing, in case he ever found himself lost in these corridors. Truly a wonderful act of empathy from his fellow classmates.

He opens it with a loud screech that gets lost in the crowd, and starts unpacking his backpack from-



He jumps in fear and immediately covers his head with his arms, trying to protect his new-new pair of glasses. It's the third he changes this month.


Please don't kill me, please don't kill me, please don't kill me, please don't kill me, please don't kill me, pl-


What? Why would I kill you?

He slowly opens his eyes to reveal a black cluster of hair on top of a stack of loose clothes. Between the cluster, 2 small white dots staring at him.


Oh-h g-gosh, it-t's just you [F. GIRL]

He sighs heavily, having lost another 3 or 4 years of his life. How much does he have left, he wonders.


I know I'm not a bimbo-bitch like those cheerleaders, [NERD], but I'm not that ugly!


Nononononononono I'm s-sorry [F. GIRL], that's not- I mean- I was saying-


Relax, I'm just kidding you.

She looks around


Have you got the stuff?


Y-yes, it's all here, candles, flowers, rope, ...

He rummages through the backpack listing everything he has prepared.


Good good, I knew I could count on you. So, we meet up tonight, at the secret spot. [NERD] if you told someone, I swear-


I haven't told a soul. Although, we need to bring back these thing's my mom is gonna notice...


I told you, it's fine, it's not gonna take long anyway I presume...

She says as she smirks. He blushes becoming now a freckled tomato, with a tuft of red hair on top.


H-hey, you n-never know! It's m-my first time anyway, better be cautios...


Relax. I'll see you tonight then. Don't be late [NERD]. I'm so excited

Her eyes get brighter by the second as she leves the boy. He sighs again, finishing going through his stuff. The bell rings as the locker gets closed, signalinig the start of a long, long day

Fade to black

# PART 2

# Time and Location

  • 🕐 Close to midnight
  • 🗺️ Abandoned House

# Characters on screen

  • [NERD]

# Synopsis

The two character met at the abandoned house. They get to the large room which will become the main HUB for the game. They set up everything and start the ritual. Something goes wrong, likely [NERD]'s fault by hitting something. [F. GIRL] gets trapped in a vortex, while [NERD] tries to save her, bu he's pushed afar and the girl disappears. Hell has broke lose.

# Storyboard

# Dialogue

Opening Sequence Later that day Fade in to decrepit room. Half eaten, half moldy wooden boards form an unstable and creeky floor. The dust is so dense you can smell it, and its particle shines when hit by the flashlight. Calling the atmosphere "eerie" would be a severe understatment.

The two teenagers walk the allways of the abandoned building, beware of where they step. They reach a large room with a long dining table in it.


Here, this is perfect.


You want to do it here?


It's large enough but almost empty, so we don't accidentally hit some "sacred memorabilia" or some shit like that while we are in the process. It would ruin the mood. Come on, help me set up the place.

He immediately takes off the equipment from his backpack. An assortment of the most disparate things gets throw on the floor, which would make anyone wonder "What the hell are they doing?".

She takes off from her coat a small agenda (or a diary perhaps), and starts going rapidly through the pages.

At this point they set up the scene for the ritual, something goes wrong ([NERD] hits something and all is ruined), so she gets trapped in a vortex, while he tries to save here.


HELP MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...........

She screams, and it's the last thing his ears capture.