# The Nerd

# Intro

# Events

# Home Coming

Type: Dialog
R1 Rewards: 
  * Unlock Map: Cemetery (lore)
R2 Rewards: 
  * Unlock Map: Cemetery (lore)

Nothing left to do but head to the cemetery or go to bed and sleep, sleeping will skip the cemetery and push the event sequence to 'A Restless Night'.

# A Red Cemetery

Type: Expedition
R1 Rewards: 
  * Baseball Bat (pickup)
R2 Rewards: 
  * Baseball Bat (pickup)
  * Unlock map: <??> (lore)
# Run 1

As he gets close to the animals they transform and attack him. When he gets close to the red glow a horrible floating monster appears and attacks him. Upon killing the monster the glow seems to fade ...

Nothing left to do but head back home

# Run 2

Something changed, it feels different ... as he tries to do what he did the day before a different enemy attacks him.

Extended: If the player decides to look around he can find some extra lore unlocking a new map.

# A Restless Night

Type: Dialog
R1 Reward: 
  * End Of Run
R2 Reward: 
  * MVP: End Of Game
  * Unlock map: <??> (lore)
# Run 1

The slasher visits the player at home and kills him, he wakes up thinking it is a nightmare and starts a long day at school followed by his usual night shift when he gets home ...

# Run 2

He stays up all night, no slasher to be seen maybe this was all?

For the game jam his story ends here